Maddog 2 followers More information Find this Pin and more on Sims by Maddog. If I know it does, I will include a warning in the Notes. 3D Eyelashes NO.2 Heres a new set of lashes I completely remade the model, so these fit even better for different eye shapes, and are even longer than the last ones I also finally added a version for skin details. Some may include sensitive or triggering content. Additionally, I will not be held responsible for the content of the mods. If you have issues with any of the mods/programs on this list, please report them to their respective creators. Use all mods/programs at your own risk! I will not be held responsible for any mods/programs that may cause issues, regardless of their status. 🔄 You may need to refresh the page to see the latest changes in the list! → Now Tracking: Patch 1.98 (May 30th) ← Just start typing what you want to search for and the results will automatically show. Male Sims can even get in on the fun here too Creator Vampireaninyosaloh made these totally gender neutral. On top, the lashes are thick and have a winged shape, while on the bottom, they’re thinner. ⚠️ Do NOT hit Enter when using the search box! Doing so clears/resets the search and shows all mods. There are three options with this CC which provide a subtle change to your Sim’s eyes. ❓ Need help with the new Mod List? Check here! ℹ️ Can’t find a mod in the list? Please use the Mod Submission form to submit it because I no longer add new mods unless they’re submitted/requested to be tracked. 3D Eyelashes V1 By Silence Bradford 8:38 AM New mesh 2 versions: Glasses category Conflict with glasses and Skin Detail Conflict with. Download the tray files on my patreon, here.📨 Submit a Mod Report - Visit the Submit Mod Report page to send me updated, confirmed compatible, broken mod reports! I don't accept reports through comments or DMs. To see more photos or download CC visist my website, here.

We hope you have a lot of fun with it and that you like it! The largest bathroom has bathtubs embedded in the floor, similar to Harry Potter. There are two dining areas, chess tables, lounges, a large and a small library, computer rooms, a greenhouse, an atelier, four balconies, table tennis and table football and three bathrooms. It has seven beds and lots of places to stay. My part was the design of a student dormitory. They come in 38 different swatches and 2 colors (black and white). For my patreons the Dark Academia CC is included. S-Club has outdone themselves yet again with an amazing new set of eyelashes for the Sims 4 These cute lashes, complete with snow particles, are the perfect addition to any Sim’s winter wardrobe. Sims4luxury has designed really great objects which are available for you here. After a few hurdles, we are now both ready and very happy to share our project with you. Together with we started thinking about a Dark Academia collaboration back in December.

But you can combine these with eyeliners that look like lashes and you’re good to go. The only downside is that these don’t have lower lashes. Wyvern Hall – Dark Akademia Dorm in Collaboration with Sims4Luxury Here are some beautiful and luscious lashes.