Permit prices are based on the meter district ( click here to view current permit prices). You may be eligible for a monthly on-street parking permit.I live or work in a neighborhood with parking meters and have a Disabled Person or Wheelchair User Parking Placard Please remember that only Wheelchair User placard holders can park in Wheelchair User only spaces. There are also ADA stalls in all of the City owned SmartPark garages. See maps below of dedicated parking stalls. Vehicles can park at any timestay space that is 1 hour or more for as long as you need.I’m visiting a non-metered area and have a Disabled Person or Wheelchair User Parking Placard

If you are visiting a resident of the area, contact them about a visitor permit.If you do not have a resident, employee, or visitor permit for the area, you can only park as long as the posted visitor limit before you must move your vehicle out of the zone.Area Parking Permit zones have visitor parking limits that can only be exceeded with a permit or visitor pass.Download PDF file Link to application 238.54 KB